We learn with astonishment the news that the mayor of Milan, Letizia Moratti, intends to dedicate a street to Craxi. It 's a proposal simply scandalous. I do not think, in fact, that Italy, let alone Milan can boast of such a lead character. Even those less honest socialists believed in him. In light of the facts can not recognize the great merits politicians, than to have increased, for a time, his party, which had a much greater weight than the votes obtained. Availed himself of a good propaganda machine and became the protagonist of some choices that could appear to some, courageous, and capable of pouring out illusions with both hands, as the myth of "Milano da and authoritarian decisions. Unscrupulous in getting rid of all opponents, including the gentry as De Martino and Lombardi, at least, unlike her, had had some merit in the construction of democracy in Italy. I remember how, according to those same leaders of the PSI, he it is surrounded by "dwarfs and dancers, that is always obsequious courtiers and cheering, a little 'as is happening to a large extent, today, the People of Freedom party, precisely where many former" socialist "have converged. Close friend of Silvio Berlusconi, then a simple farmer, opened the series of "ad personam" laws "with a memorable decree in favor of the latter's television. His governments inflated government spending like no other before and, although he managed to knock down inflation with the edge of four points "sliding scale", led Italy to the brink of financial bankruptcy. But what most
counts to give a final assessment is that he stole and steal for themselves and for the party, legitimizing the use of bribes, that they rise beyond the cost of public works in that period of Italian history that he was a protagonist. And his thievery and corruption, certified by a number of final judgments, erasing any possible, though controversial, political merit.
And then, dear Moratti, to dedicate a street in Milan as it would legitimize the theft against the state and would be a devastating message. It would be like saying that stealing is a crime, at least for those in power, politicians and public administrators. Many of these already seem to have understood for some time, so much so They've started to steal, bribe and be bribed, just like the days of Bettino. Now that Craxi is dead let him rest in peace: this is the only lawful way, for those who want to remember.
counts to give a final assessment is that he stole and steal for themselves and for the party, legitimizing the use of bribes, that they rise beyond the cost of public works in that period of Italian history that he was a protagonist. And his thievery and corruption, certified by a number of final judgments, erasing any possible, though controversial, political merit.
And then, dear Moratti, to dedicate a street in Milan as it would legitimize the theft against the state and would be a devastating message. It would be like saying that stealing is a crime, at least for those in power, politicians and public administrators. Many of these already seem to have understood for some time, so much so They've started to steal, bribe and be bribed, just like the days of Bettino. Now that Craxi is dead let him rest in peace: this is the only lawful way, for those who want to remember.
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