I have the impression that the fate of cedar Piazza Campello is a little controversy is mounting a 'sickly, from which it is difficult to understand if the prevailing vague, instinctive, sentimental or a real civil contempt. I say this not for polemics but for myself, I live since I was born in Sondrio, I feel a certain affection for this plant, as I was, and are fond of many things: houses, alleys and courtyards of the Sondrio a time that now there are no more. Many changes have taken place and I do not remember that, even in cases of a certain level, there has been no actual uprising of the people. Not that either, but were different times, when it was decided, with so much ease, to demolish the church of Suffrage, which stood where now stands more or less our cedar. Yes, sorry to lose a plant, but can not be, its existence, the only yardstick. If, in the face of this waiver, it shall be planted a greater number of other trees in a proposed arrangement of the whole square, each causing scandal seems totally out of place if not, in some cases, pretextual. Sure, you can agree or not, and all positions are respectable, but I think that the destruction of the cedar should not be regarded, in itself, nor a crime it 'an insult to the sensibilities of anyone. I was limited to an evaluation of other types and that if the square after the restyling operation laid down 'Municipal Administration, will be aesthetically better or worse and if it is more or less enjoyed by the citizens than they are at present.
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