WHY 'FINANCE WITH MY CHARGES OF NEWSPAPERS KNIGHT? Victor Felts, from Berlusconi's faithful hound, from which, as he claims, does not receive orders (in fact there is no need, he knows well how to please the boss), has unleashed on the pages of his daily campaign against the subscription Rai. If this incitement to succeed, to take advantage of it, incidentally, would be especially Mediaset. I too would prefer not to pay any fee but I would also like the public TV is not like those of Berlusconi, for the most vulgar entertainment, adulation towards the Premier and aggressive advertising. Not that anything like the public TV will not dispense, but also transmits at least some things of value, serious professionals with the likes of Fazio, Gabanelli Floris, Dandini, Iacona, and why not?, Santoro. And those who just happen to be a nuisance, because it tells a truth other than pleasing to the Premier and his courtiers. I'm not saying that should be deleted, such as the sale program, delicious and obsequious landlord when he is, but I wish I could hear the other bells, as democracy requires. Besides, if people like Rai lodge for sale, Minzolini, Scarlett Mimum and, if prevalent in Mediaset journalists like Faith, is just, for pluralism of information, which can work in a professional non rai Friends Berlusconi, Travaglio understood. And if we, as Felt ago, on ' financial aspect, then I say that I gladly pay the TV license because there are those serious professionals. And I'm very sorry to know that, by the taxpayer, funds also inadvertently "Il Giornale". How can I make my taxes do not go to bankroll this newspaper?
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