I read, not without dismay, the letter of Mr. Albonico published in "The Province of Sondrio" of 31 August. These critics generally the ANPI, namely the National Association of Partisans and its components on the ground to support the reasons Resistance to Nazism and the men who fought and promoted after September 8, 1943. In support of his criticism argues that the adherents to the "Republic of Salò" there were only slaves of Nazi Germany, but also good economists, lawyers and trade unionists honest noble ideals, and he cites some pointing out, for not being servants of the these arrangements were unjustly harassed. Exactly, dear Mr. Albonico, you are confirming that those who were not faithful and servile was harassed, and this, I would add, at best. No one has ever claimed that all the members of the RSI were in bad faith! Quite the contrary. Many had no alternative, or fail them the courage to make the other choice, and we can humanly understand. The fact remains that stood on the wrong side, ie against the perpetrators and those who yearn for freedom and democracy, and this can not in any way constitute merit. Then even by some partisan or partisan groups may have been completed actions can not always honorable, but that's the unpredictable part, considered both the possibility of human error that opportunism or bad faith of some cases isolated. But the point I think the most inconsistent and morally lowest of the thesis of Mr. Albonico, emerges when he argues that the representatives would not be true ANPI Democrats as ".. apologists and serve the material and moral of the infamous communist dictatorships ..." etc.. etc.. Here I think the emergence typically fascist fanaticism and bad faith. Claiming that the partisans, among whom were both communists and socialists, liberals and Catholics, have in some way served the Stalinist communism is the biggest shame that we could support. In addition to a dramatic false history because the Italian Communist party has contributed, along with all other parties, except of course the fascists, to bring in democracy. If they had won the other, those that would appear to fall within the sympathies of Mr. Albonico, the 'Italy and the Italians, including himself, would live maybe still the authoritarian regime, and freedom-imperialist who knew under fascism.
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