Monday, January 3, 2011

What Kind Of Lip Ring Does Andy Sixx Have?

The Dark Lady


E become very difficult and rare to hear to pronounce the word "death" about a person who has died. Whether in television, print media, that among ordinary citizens. The word itself, (used a few years ago), was abolished in favor of death , failed , gone. The "death" should not and can not be spoken, even if on balance, is the word most appropriate and proper in regard to an individual who is no longer present in the earthly world.
Probably this fact is due to the fear of aging that is rampant in today's modern society from the public to feed the myth of youthfulness, fear of old age, and, consequently, of death itself. A striking example of it was talking about Fabrizio De Andrè, who wrote and sang of death, especially during the early years of his career, which gets the best of his entire discography. Although the evenings are dedicated, concerts and meetings to study the personality, it is difficult to hear or perform pieces De Andrè in which the Black Lady is a vital part. Christmas songs such as Legend, the Song of drug addicts, Winter, The Ballad of the hero, are almost always ignored in favor of turn the page, if you chopped , Queue wolf, representing less creative side of the singer that fortunately, in the last years of his life began to recover.
Death no sir, can not be pronounced. It 's a heresy. There is for some. But no, does exist and is the harsh reality that is part of a cycle, that of life. It 's part of a flower that grows through the seed, germinates, it withers and dies for the time advancing age. Death, like birth, is part of a context, a season of small seasons, which could be after you close and closed a circle, or it stops prematurely for the fate real cynical and ahead by a moment with each other. Death is the sad end of the match wisely as he sang Frank Sinatra in one of his most intense "Letter". And who does not accept this verdict, including the term itself (ie death), does not respect himself, for being part of life, death is inside us, that sooner or later takes us by surprise and we sped off somewhere, who knows when and who knows yet ...
The birth and death are the same side of the coin, including in the middle is the living, the seasons in the season, the content of a story, that is, life. A sort of equation.
by the substitution of death in favor of disappearance, has been accomplished a similar definition of the term old, replaced with senior . Instead, old age, like death, there is, and sooner or later come to us as the season of fall / winter, which will lead us in an eternal slumber.
If you do not agree to these children later in life, we will never, ever have respect for ourselves, our lives and the lives of others, and we can never fully understand what are really the true pleasures of life ....
... Besides the fashion is more ...


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