Of him we know little or nothing. No release public interviews, so you barely know his voice. This is Gianni Letta, the man would say in the shadows, a figure that is also twisted and yet emblematic that looks behind the scenes of national policy, in which, during all the government led by Silvio Berlusconi, has always played the role of Secretary to the Prime Minister. Although it is not ever been elected in either of the two branches of the Italian Parliament, and was ever in writing either to Force Italy to either the PDL, is the true man of faith of the knight who holds tightly to his side, embodying for him a kind a man of providence. E 'flattered by almost all members Parliament and especially by the opposition, although it can be said and noted that on balance has not done anything for the country that we know, unless there are (hypothetically) of the background that we, helpless citizens, we are not aware . Even Romano Prodi, and no one knows why, a few years ago described him as a person "ingenious."
But before Secretary of Government, Gianni Letta 1987 to 1994 was vice president of the then Fininvest, and before that, for fifteen years in a row, director of the newspaper "Time" of Rome, close personal friend and founder of the historic and editor of the newspaper itself, Renato Angiolillo. And that's where the story gets dark and mysterious because Dr. Angiolillo was married to a Mrs. Mary, died of old age in 2009, the day the House of Representatives by a long applause from the partisan paid tribute. But why? Usually one would wonder-in-Parliament pays tribute to famous faces from film, television, and print media which is defunct, as in the recent case of Mario Monicelli (then finished in brawl). Mrs. Angiolillo however little is known and nothing, not even through the internet you are aware of who this person, except that in his luxurious home in Rome, were invited more often the most important and influential names in Italian politics. It is said that the most delicate and important steps taken by the government and Parliament, were laid in that house, which was described by some as the third or fourth parliamentary chamber (depending on how it is that of Bruno Vespa classifcata with his Porta a Porta). Possible that nobody has ever done a thorough investigation as to who was this lady and what role he? What is behind all this? Inside the walls of this luxurious home in the salons Romans? And above all, who is Gianni Letta? Why is repeatedly flattered by all? It almost seems that you do as a man of power scary. But that power and for what? We do not know, at least, we in our blog, unfortunately not. We only know that he is a consultant of the mysterious (also) Goldman Sachs, one of the largest and most successful investment banks around the world. But the controversial aspects. It is argued that the death of 007 Italian Nicola Calipari, who was himself, not to create a diplomatic crisis between Italy and the United States, had compiled a report in which it was written that the murder committed against the Italian official by U.S. military during the liberation of the journalist Giuliana Sgrena The poster occurred in Iraq, it was not intentional , In order to sidetrack the investigation of the judiciary.
Do not forget that in 2006 was even the center-right candidate as President of the Republic, resulting in the first ballot, nearly four hundred votes. The Head of State, being the first charge of the country, a person must be represented by moderate, cautious and ready for dialogue, and for this to Silvio Berlusconi would be very difficult to reach his dream, seeing that not only possesses the basic characteristics in order to exercise that function, but a man who attacks, humiliate, offend and institutions. Gianni Letta instead show calm and quiet, and as flattered by all, embodies the man perfect place, who knows, maybe in 2013 as President of the Italian Republic to the end of the mandate of Giorgio Napolitano.
Not knowing at all who he is, and being a ladies chatted, I do not think that Gianni Letta is the right person to represent the country, because in 1993, before the magistrates in Milan confessed that he had violated the law on party financing, giving a sum equal to seventy million pounds in 1988 to the then secretary of the PSDI Cariglia Antonio (crime in 1989 fell into amnesty).
the mysterious figure of the Secretary read, that for this deserves to be born, because given the precedents, some skeleton in the closet, could be anhée.
Ps. If you want to know more about Gianni Letta, read the unauthorized biography that he is concerned, just inititolata "Gianni Letta: Unauthorized Biography" by Giuseppe Arena and Phil Barone, Editori Riuniti. Happy reading
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