speak ill of Berlusconi in Italy today, raises many dislikes, because so many people still adore him, or at least has an interest that continues to govern as he has done so far. But I believe that a citizen like me, who do not appreciate it at all, has the right and duty to express his dissent. Certainly not just a vent, for the sake of sterile criticism, but with the objective to contribute modestly to the truth. For example I, who am no one, and if you really were innocent, agreed to shut down a process that concerns me only as a result of a prescription, but you give up to reach the normal sentence. On the contrary our Prime Minister will not, and will benefit from a law without shame, the Cirielli, he wanted to, which reduced the statute of limitations. He escaped four times the sentences for bribery and that the effect of the law, made to his measure. And now it will be done to the law on the "short trial" to avoid the risk, even least be convicted of the Mills case. In the Middle Ages, and even a little 'over, the "prince" was above the law and used it to fight his enemies. How can we deny that Berlusconi has done and continues to do some 'the same thing? What seems incomprehensible to me, just from the Middle Ages, is that so many people go along with him in this his action. And that people like his faithful: Alfano, Ghedini, Bondi, Belpietro, Felt and many others, people who had studied should have a high sense of dignity, are always there as guard dogs, to defend him in any case and without a sense of modesty. Of these, some are even on the payroll of the national and Silvio, working exclusively for him, as the lawyer. Ghedini, perceived, even by the lavish parliamentary prebend, out of all of us citizens. That's why more and more I am convinced that this is a country without shame and dignity. We have the mafia more invasive, higher tax evasion, corruption more widespread: we needed was a satrap Berlusconi as to fade into the ridiculous and the economic misery and moral black. And there is a clear authoritarian regime, with a prime minister who shows intolerance for the Parliament, and from other institutions, who dreams of cheering crowds filled the streets, newspapers and TV and cheering filled the walls of his rejuvenated Opportunities to twenty years. All this is not very different from what happened during fascism and Nazism, and very recently in Iraq with Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi in Libya, Cuba with Castro. We believed that history could repeat itself, accused of pessimism of the Montanelli and Biagi when criticized him openly. But if we continue to overlook the signs of authoritarianism that transpire from the thought of Berlusconi and do not run for cover as soon as possible, the present time very, very dark.
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