After numerous fires that have devastated the province of Salerno and Picentini, here is the indictment South Land of the environmental non-profit organization, headed by Silvestre Cammarota.
Here is the text of the press release issued recently:
Echoing the views expressed by us in previous years, we enter on matters pertaining to the nature of fire, as a premise for reasoning Consequently, we exclude the self-ignition and consider intentional fires, accidentally hanged - in small proportion - often they begin from bumps to the driveways and is, therefore, possible that some careless and irresponsible has launched a still lit cigarette butt at other times, more frequently, they take home from cultivated areas, where unwary farmers lose control or leave fires unattended cleaning. To avoid this risk, it would suffice to prevent the ignition of fires cleaning on certain days of particular risk, instructing the mountain communities to carry out the order.
The arson, they are quite, quite frequently, committed to help in herding the renewal of fast feed, among other things, affect more areas than those covered by pasture and trees.
Other fires hung from arsonists, without a logic that justifies the motivation, however, related to the result obtained, are among the most unpredictable.
arsonists, so we will henceforth call them, since the events of these days we recommend to abolish the term "arson" because it seems to encompass justification pathological infamous act, are those who use the instrument of destruction by fire, as a form of violent protest against civilization.
often - with that gesture - protesting against the establishment of protected natural areas, or against broken promises by the highest representatives of local authorities or, finally, against acts of repression carried out against them by police.
fires organized, however, are those that totally destroy the forest: they are managed by a new kind of criminal conspiracy, which allegedly at the poor hand, with sophisticated and innovative techniques, has led to guerrilla fire. The principals of organized
incendiary, possibly speculate on the operations of off or on the possibility of being able to build in the future on the areas covered by fire or could also be interested in the following afforestation.
In that respect it reminded of the law n ° 353/2000 establishing the cadastre of Arre by fire which, on the instructions issued by the Mountain Communities of Commons, has the task of recording all the areas affected by fires in order to proceed, as indicated by the same law, to banning the area of \u200b\u200bbuildings (10 years) and pasture (for 5 years).
In addition, the law provides that in an emergency and the grave risks the Mayor should set up the COC (Municipal Operations Center) who must coordinate disaster relief efforts and ensure that the area affected by fire, in our case, is not transited to non-experts, or by ordinary citizens.
These two important tools for prevention are not, in many cases and in many municipalities and mountain communities, taken with due efficiency.
These grounds, in itself not a little alarming, are added to the concern for what could be a new way to fight the State to force him to give in to blackmail by guerrilla fire.
In light of the foregoing, we believe that the traditional tools for warning and extinguishing fires, used by the institutions are inadequate.
You must therefore set an overall intervention which included the sighting - and possibly even of suspects - and off, and introduces a new primary phase nell'AIB: patrols and ambushes, which tend to surprise the criminals. We
, until last year, we have pursued in the territory of Picentini this strategy through the use of rangers and other volunteers.
The result, appreciable, was a reduction of outbreaks due to the risk that the arsonists run of being discovered and reported.
year, for the first time in many years, the Campania region has not seen fit allocate funds for the conduct of campaigns AIB in those municipalities of the Region in which the risk of forest fires are more frequent.
then the province of Salerno, the largest of the region with its 158 municipalities, is one of five provinces with the highest fire risk.
This year, therefore, no funding for volunteer organizations which in agreement with local authorities engaged in prevention and surveillance of the territory through the deployment of personnel and equipment during the summer months to ensure a comprehensive security service of the woods. Despite the declarations of
Bertolaso \u200b\u200band effectiveness of civil protection of local resources for the knowledge of the voluntary territory and the immediacy of the intervention, we were not put in a position to support the costs necessary to provide, voluntarily, the service patrol and protection of land, including the Provincial Forest Technical aspects of Salerno Regional Council Campania, in fact, has not made available to volunteer any economic resource.
E 'outrageous that after all these years, the Regional Council has decided to cut a key area resources such as the prevention of fires in a region among the most at risk of the entire South "
risk was already increased due to the high temperatures in the last week of June and July 1 had also reached peaks of 35-40 degrees.
"Our region and our province, as announced in our press release of July 4 last year, also because of the wicked choices of regional summits have ended at the mercy of arsonists who caused the devastation of the hill, piedmont, and - in part - mountain, without precedent.
Yet the results of previous campaigns have seen: the fire risk is reduced significantly. "
A paradoxical situation that really needs to be clarified by the regional directors, to date, have not provided any reasons for their reckless choice. We appeal to this honorable post in the Regional Council or the citizens of the Province of Salerno and parties, the Greens in particular, who care about environmental issues.
industry of fire, probably from direct organized crime, has reinforced the hands of arsonists to fight a guerrilla war against the state, which has been underestimated, we hope not intentionally, by his own administration.
the beginning of July of each year, the State's territory is attacked by his enemies: it is time to understand it must be committed to the army for its defense and that, for the entire structure of the state (officials, soldiers, administrators, etc. .), there is no time for the holidays in this period, since so that the enemy is not overwhelmed!
This is our proposal for a feasibility: the state, really, war on arsonists working on the whole at risk with the help of all the police, the guards of all volunteers and all the environmental groups and scouting, but most of all committed the army garrison in the areas that represent the wealth of the nation and the South of Italy, in particular, for the beach or mountain tourism (Sardinia, Amalfi Coast, Cilento Coast - Palinuro, etc.).. We bring from June to September, and if necessary at other times of the year, out of the military barracks, on vacation mandiamoli operating in the most beautiful and more likely to guerrilla fire in our area.

The arson, they are quite, quite frequently, committed to help in herding the renewal of fast feed, among other things, affect more areas than those covered by pasture and trees.
Other fires hung from arsonists, without a logic that justifies the motivation, however, related to the result obtained, are among the most unpredictable.
arsonists, so we will henceforth call them, since the events of these days we recommend to abolish the term "arson" because it seems to encompass justification pathological infamous act, are those who use the instrument of destruction by fire, as a form of violent protest against civilization.
often - with that gesture - protesting against the establishment of protected natural areas, or against broken promises by the highest representatives of local authorities or, finally, against acts of repression carried out against them by police.
fires organized, however, are those that totally destroy the forest: they are managed by a new kind of criminal conspiracy, which allegedly at the poor hand, with sophisticated and innovative techniques, has led to guerrilla fire. The principals of organized
incendiary, possibly speculate on the operations of off or on the possibility of being able to build in the future on the areas covered by fire or could also be interested in the following afforestation.
In that respect it reminded of the law n ° 353/2000 establishing the cadastre of Arre by fire which, on the instructions issued by the Mountain Communities of Commons, has the task of recording all the areas affected by fires in order to proceed, as indicated by the same law, to banning the area of \u200b\u200bbuildings (10 years) and pasture (for 5 years).
In addition, the law provides that in an emergency and the grave risks the Mayor should set up the COC (Municipal Operations Center) who must coordinate disaster relief efforts and ensure that the area affected by fire, in our case, is not transited to non-experts, or by ordinary citizens.
These two important tools for prevention are not, in many cases and in many municipalities and mountain communities, taken with due efficiency.
These grounds, in itself not a little alarming, are added to the concern for what could be a new way to fight the State to force him to give in to blackmail by guerrilla fire.
In light of the foregoing, we believe that the traditional tools for warning and extinguishing fires, used by the institutions are inadequate.
You must therefore set an overall intervention which included the sighting - and possibly even of suspects - and off, and introduces a new primary phase nell'AIB: patrols and ambushes, which tend to surprise the criminals. We
, until last year, we have pursued in the territory of Picentini this strategy through the use of rangers and other volunteers.
The result, appreciable, was a reduction of outbreaks due to the risk that the arsonists run of being discovered and reported.
year, for the first time in many years, the Campania region has not seen fit allocate funds for the conduct of campaigns AIB in those municipalities of the Region in which the risk of forest fires are more frequent.
then the province of Salerno, the largest of the region with its 158 municipalities, is one of five provinces with the highest fire risk.
This year, therefore, no funding for volunteer organizations which in agreement with local authorities engaged in prevention and surveillance of the territory through the deployment of personnel and equipment during the summer months to ensure a comprehensive security service of the woods. Despite the declarations of
Bertolaso \u200b\u200band effectiveness of civil protection of local resources for the knowledge of the voluntary territory and the immediacy of the intervention, we were not put in a position to support the costs necessary to provide, voluntarily, the service patrol and protection of land, including the Provincial Forest Technical aspects of Salerno Regional Council Campania, in fact, has not made available to volunteer any economic resource.
E 'outrageous that after all these years, the Regional Council has decided to cut a key area resources such as the prevention of fires in a region among the most at risk of the entire South "
risk was already increased due to the high temperatures in the last week of June and July 1 had also reached peaks of 35-40 degrees.
"Our region and our province, as announced in our press release of July 4 last year, also because of the wicked choices of regional summits have ended at the mercy of arsonists who caused the devastation of the hill, piedmont, and - in part - mountain, without precedent.
Yet the results of previous campaigns have seen: the fire risk is reduced significantly. "
A paradoxical situation that really needs to be clarified by the regional directors, to date, have not provided any reasons for their reckless choice. We appeal to this honorable post in the Regional Council or the citizens of the Province of Salerno and parties, the Greens in particular, who care about environmental issues.
industry of fire, probably from direct organized crime, has reinforced the hands of arsonists to fight a guerrilla war against the state, which has been underestimated, we hope not intentionally, by his own administration.
the beginning of July of each year, the State's territory is attacked by his enemies: it is time to understand it must be committed to the army for its defense and that, for the entire structure of the state (officials, soldiers, administrators, etc. .), there is no time for the holidays in this period, since so that the enemy is not overwhelmed!
This is our proposal for a feasibility: the state, really, war on arsonists working on the whole at risk with the help of all the police, the guards of all volunteers and all the environmental groups and scouting, but most of all committed the army garrison in the areas that represent the wealth of the nation and the South of Italy, in particular, for the beach or mountain tourism (Sardinia, Amalfi Coast, Cilento Coast - Palinuro, etc.).. We bring from June to September, and if necessary at other times of the year, out of the military barracks, on vacation mandiamoli operating in the most beautiful and more likely to guerrilla fire in our area.
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