Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Song Did A Consing On Victoria Secret

the marsh.

Apparently the season of "clean hands" is served by little. Certainly not the fault of magistrates who granted the pool, but because of our politicians, who have not lost the habit of stealing. Just this week a councilor of the municipality of Milan was caught red-handed. As Mario Chiesa, the former president, Craxi, the Pio Albergo Trivulzio who in 1992 gave way to discover " Tangentopoli. And increasingly these days is another involving Bertolaso, which reveals the hidden rot even today, perhaps more than ever, behind the great public works. Berlusconi is doing? For a change, attacked the judges and recite an act of faith towards the head of Civil Protection. And to think that Bossi and Berlusconi, who now control the country descended into political and moral rigor and cleaning promising a raise comparable to the economic boom '50s and '60s. Instead we are witnessing an unprecedented moral degradation, imposing tax evasion always encouraged by the premier to appear more frequently in racist Bossi on which he built his fortune, to gangs that are spreading everywhere, the workers who lose their jobs by the thousands, young people who can not find decent jobs. With the economy in parts for which Italy is at risk bankruptcy, an unprecedented disaster. Even in our province, historically administered with the simplicity typical of mountain, now emerging cases of corruption, the new players without shame, rampant public officials of the League and Forza Italy. Greedy politicians, where they do business are always present and ready to grab one or more places where you manipulate public money, men and parties, those same parties that after tangentopoli, promising to "change Italy, are concerned about time to ensure their even a seat in Parliament. Berlusconi travels the world telling jokes that are funny just pathetic his loyalists, while Bossi has the gall to nominate his son Renzo, better known as "trout" because of its well-known difficulties in school, a place for well-paid in the Regional Council: a case of blatant nepotism of medieval mold. Faced with this unseemly spectacle of our founding fathers are certainly revolt in the tomb along with all the partisans who lost their lives to give us a free home to Mussolini that, as we know, in terms of nepotism was not joking.
It is incomprehensible that in this swamp and civilian morale, our Prime Minister will still enjoy a consensus, certainly masochistic, of many Italians, the same way as that of his ally Umberto, one should never forget this very significant because of the lack of consistency of this character, described him as "the mafia of Arcore. If I think that people are honest and simple that even today rely in good faith their own destiny in this pair of politicians, not realizing that they did not and will never have what was promised, it takes me a moment of despair. E 'confirmation that, as happened with fascism, the people will understand only when he hears about their skin and tight, economic hardship and deprivation of liberty. Both for some time feel the signals.


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