But I'm just never satisfied! Former executioner Bossi is willing to turn a blind eye to prevent its ally to deal with the processes that they see him accused of serious crimes. It 's a clear affront to his consistency, but this no longer surprise anyone. In fact, I do not pay, approving a law that requires the privatization of the management of 'water and water services, thus opening a huge advantage to speculation of a few wealthy financiers to the detriment of all local communities still sound like ours. In the face of the party of the people, as he likes to be called the League. They do so well, the president of the Province of Sondrio and the mayor Sertori Molteni, to hold together a battle for the protection of an asset as important as water, and to defend the public service provider. But there is another "gift" that is passing almost unnoticed, and that is' introduced in the Senate amendment to the Finance Act, which provides for the sale of property confiscated from the mafia that you can not allocate within three to six months. It 's easy to imagine, with significant financial resources of the mafias and their ability to be represented in local government, that they have a good game to prevent the allocation of those goods for purchase through trusted nominee. In this way, villas, houses and land belonging to the boss, will return beautifully in their possession. It will be yet another blow to all honest citizens, for the judiciary and law enforcement agencies that have done the kidnapping, and a further insult to a politician brave as Pio La Torre, who was assassinated on the morning of April 30, 1982 to be was the proponent of the law for the seizure of assets mafiosi.E 'Bossi now evident that neither Berlusconi nor the people think, I certify the many anti-people laws that have imposed and require their powerless parliament and resigned. It is confirmed by all the promises never kept, the reduction of taxes, waste emergency in Naples, which never really resolved and that is now emerging, not less dramatic, even in Palermo. And the Abruzzo earthquake victims, the media over the drunkenness is clearly going to be bequeathed to those who come after Berlusconi and Bossi. E 'inexplicable that so many workers and many small business owners who have placed their full confidence in votandoli, have today a wave of indignation and revolt, because the games have been discovered and it is clear to everyone that Berlusconi is folding an entire parliament with its own interests and wants to give away public assets to businessmen and Mafia. Bossi follows him like a dog in hopes of collecting that federalism is still no way of knowing what it will cost, in every sense. Egidio Apples - Sondrio